Sabtu, 08 Desember 2018


Nama  : Maharesti Kartika Wuni
Nim     : 2211416024
Kelas :  109 LEPT

Lombok Berduka,Kita Berduka,Indonesia Berduka
Gempa bumi berkekuatan 7 Skala Richter (SR) mengguncang kawasan Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Puluhan orang meninggal dan ratusan lainnya mengalami luka akibat kejadian ini. Berikut beberapa fakta tentang gempa di Lombok kemarin :
Terjadi Tsunami dengan Ketinggian Tsunami 10-13 Cm
Tsunami yang diawali gempa berkekuatan 7 skala Richter (SR) telah menyentuh daratan. Ketinggian tsunami disebut di bawah setengah meter.

"Berdasarkan laporan BMKG telah ada tsunami dengan ketinggian tsunami yang masuk ke daratan 10 cm dan 13 cm," kata Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas BNPB Sutopo Purwo Nugroho dalam keterangannya, Minggu (5/8/2018).

"Diperkirakan maksimum ketinggian tsunami 0,5 meter," imbuh Sutopo.
Berpusat di Darat dan Merupakan Gempa Utama

Kepala BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati mengatakan, gempa yang terjadi tersebut merupakan gempa utama atas rangkaian gempa yang terjadi sebelumnya di kawasan Lombok, NTB. Gempa tersebut berpusat di darat.

"Hasil analisis BMKG menunjukkan gempa bumi ini memiliki kekuatan magnitudo 7. Epicentre gempa terletak pada koordinat 8,37 derajat LS dan 116,48 derajat BT atau tepatnya berlokasi di darat, pada lereng utara timur laut Gunug Rinjani pada jarak 18 km arah barat laut Kabuoaten Lombok Timur NTB, pada kedalaman 15 km," kata Dwikorita saat jumpa pers di Kantor BMKG, Jl Angkasa, Gunung Sahari, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (5/8/2018) malam.

Dwikorita menambahkan, dengan memperhatikan titik dan kedalaman gempa, disimpulkan bahwa gempa yang terjadi itu jenis gempa bumi dangkal yang diakibatkan patahan Flores. "Hasil analisis mekanisme sumber menujukkan gempa ini dibangkitakn oleh deformasi batuan dengan mekanisme gerakan naik," katanya.

Berdasarkan titik pusat dan kekuatan gempa tersebut, kata Dwikorita, maka disimpulkan bahwa gempa 7 SR merupakan gempa utama dari gempa sebeoumnya yang terjadi pada 29 Juli 2018.

Tercatat Sudah 82 Orang Meninggal dan Ratusan Lainnya Luka

Kepala Pusat Data dan Informasi Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho mengatakan, hingga Senin (6/8) pukul 02.30 WIB, tercatat sudah 82 orang tewas akibat gempa 7 SR tersebut. Sementara itu, tibuan warga lainnya mengungsi untuk mencari tempat yang lebih aman dari tempat tinggal mereka.

"Hingga Senin dini hari pukul 02.30 WIB, tercatat 82 orang meninggal dunia akibat gempa. Ratusan orang luka-luka dan ribuan rumah mengalami kerusakan," kata Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas BNPB Sutopo Purwo Nugroho dalam rilisnya, Senin (6/8/2018) subuh.

"Ribuan warga mengungsi ke tempat yang aman. Aparat gabungan terus mengevakuasi dan penanganan darurat akibat gempa bumi," sambung dia.

Sutopo menanbahkan, jumlah korban tersebut kemungkinan akan terus bertambah. "Diperkirakan korban terus bertambah. Jumlah kerusakan bangunan masih dilakukan pendataan," kata Sutopo.

Lombok Utara, Timur dan Kota Mataram Terparah Alami Kerusakan

Sutopo juga menambahkan, ribuan orang masih mengungsi akibat gempa ini. Aparat gabungan terus melakukan evakuasi dan penanganan darurat akibat gempabumi.

"Daerah yang terparah adalah Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Lombok Timur dan Kota Mataram. Berdasarkan laporan dari BPBD Provinsi NTB, dari 39 orang meninggal dunia, korban berasal dari Kabupaten Lombok Utara 65 orang, Lombok Barat 9 orang, Lombok Tengah 2 orang, Kota Mataram 4 orang, dan Lombok Timur 2 orang. Sebagian besar korban meninggal akibat tertimpa bangunan yang roboh," katanya.

Upaya Penyisiran dan Evakuasi Korban Terkendala Akses Komunikasi

TIM SAR terus melakukan evakuasi dan penyisirian korban gempa 7 SR tersebut. Akses komunikasi menjadi kendala dalam upaya pencarian dan evakuasi.

"Tim SAR gabungan masih terus melakukan evakuasi dan penyisiran. Kondisi malam hari dan sebagian komunikasi yang mati menyebabkan kendala di lapangan," ujar Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas BNPB Sutopo Purwo Nugoroho dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Senin (6/8/2018).

Tenaga Medis, Air Bersih dan Makanan Jadi Kebutuhan Mendesak untuk Korban

Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) Willem Rampangilei telah tiba Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Selain itu, dua helikopter juga dikirimkan ke NTB untuk proses penanggulangan bencana gempa 7 SR yang mengguncang kawasan NTB pada Minggu (5/8/).

"Kebutuhan mendesak saat ini adalah tenaga medis, air bersih, permakanan, selimut, tikar, tenda, makanan siap saji, layanan trauma healing dan kebutuhan dasar lainnya. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah di wilayah Lombok Utara, Lombok Timur, dan Mataram akan diliburkan pada 6/8/2018 karena dikhawatirkan bangunan sekolah membahayakan siswa. Akan dilakukan pengecekan terlebih dahulu oleh petugas," katanya.

Tercatat Sudah 124 Kali Gempa Susulan di Lombok

Gempa susulan terus terjadi usai gempa berkekuatan 7 Skala Richter (SR) yang mengguncang kawasan Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Hingga pagi ini, tercatat sudah 14 kali terjadi gempa susulan.

"Update Gempa Bumi Lombok M (Magnitudo) 7 sampai pukul 06.00 WIB, Senin (6/8) tercatat sebanyak 124 gempa bumi susulan," kata Kepala Bagian Humas BMKG Harry Tirto Djatmiko kepada detikcom, Senin (6/8/2018).

Tak Hanya di NTB, Kerusakan Parah Juga Melanda Bali
Seperti yang sudah disampaikan sebelumnya, gempa bumi yang terjadi di Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat juga dirasakan di beberapa tempat yang ada di Pulau Jawa dan Bali. Dan ternyata dampak dari gempa tersebut juga sempat merusak beberapa tempat dan fasilitas umum di Pulau Dewata.
Yang kelompok kami lakukan ketika Menggalang Dana adalah kita terjun kelapangan langsung dan menerima saluran Dana melalui rekening salah satu anggota kelompok kami. Ketika kami terjun kelapangan dan meminta sumbangan kepada orang orang yang sedang beristirahat atau sedang menikmati waktu dengan keluarga,teman atau kekasih. Mungkin beberapa dari mereka ada yang merasa terganggu dengan kehadiran kami , tapi ada beberapa juga yang menyumbang lebih dari seharusnya. Ada juga ibu-ibu yang baru saja melakukan perjalanan dan hanya membawa uang yang bisa dikatakan sangatlah minim , tetapi beliau tetap menyumbang untuk saudara-saudara kita dilombok. Anak – anak yang masih duduk di jenjang sekolahpun tetap mau menyumbang untuk saudar-saudara kita diLombok.
Saya belajar bahwa beberapa orang memiliki tingkat kepedulian yang berbeda , ada yang masa bodoh dengan saudara kita diLombok , ada juga yang sangat peduli. Semua orang tidak bisa dipaksa kehendaknya , jika mereka tidak mau menyumbang ya saya tidak bisa memaksakan hal tersebut. Jika mereka menyumbang lebih dari itu , saya merasa sangat bersyukur karena mereka masih peduli dengan orang lain.

Kamis, 06 Desember 2018

Novel Review: Murder on the Orient Express

Review of “Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Christie
Title                 : Murder on the Orient Express
Author             : Agatha Christie
Publisher         : Collins Crime Club
Pages               : 211
            Murder on The Orient Express is not a thriller story even though the title says so. This novel was written by Agatha Christie that is known as the most popular mystery writer in the world with 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections. The main character of this book, Hercule Poirot is often exist in almost all of Christie’s works.
            This story is about a former police officer, Hercule Poirot , that later works as an independent detective. He wants to take a break from handling many cases. He goes to Istanbul in Taurus Express where he meets Mary Debenham and Colonel Arbuthnot. In Istanbul, he meets his old friend, M. Bouc, which works as the head of Wagon Lit. Bouc arranges place for Poirot in the Orient Express so that he can go to London as soon as possible. In the train, he meets some passengers, Mrs. Hubbard, Ratchett, and Hector McQueen, Mary Debenham, and Colonel Arbuthnot.
            His journey in the Orient Express is not like what he has expected before. Ratchett approaches Poirot asking him to work for Ratchett because Ratchett has been receiving threatening letters and someone is trying to kill him. Poirot refuses and ignores Ratchett.
            The next morning, the train is stuck in snow. M. Bouc informs the passengers to stay inside the train. Then, he goes to Poirot telling that Ratchett is murdered. Poirot finds Ratchett’s death body in the compartment next to him with twelve stab wounds. Ratchett is murdered and the murderer is still on the train. Poirot decides to find who the murderer is. He examines the compartment and finds many evidences that make him confused. Twelve of thirteen passengers could be a suspect of this case. The important evidence is a piece of paper with the name “Armstrong” on it. It reminds him with a case a few years back about a three years old girl named Daisy Armstrong which is kidnapped and killed even though the wealthy family had paid the ransom. It is known later that the one who has kidnapped Daisy is Ratchett, known as Casetti before. The twelve passengers, led by Mrs. Hubbard─Linda Arden, Daisy’s grandmother─plan to avenge the murder of Daisy Armstrong. The others were connected with the Armstrong’s case. They manage to get into the same train with Ratchett and kill him by stabbing his body with a knife­─one person one stab­.
            Knowing the reason of this murder case, Poirot gives solutions. First, the murderer is a stranger that entered the train and killed Ratchett. Second, all of the passengers are involved in the case. Mrs. Hubbard agree with the first solution but Poirot and M. Bouc tell the police the first solution is correct in order to protect the family.
            From this story, we can know that the main theme of the novel is Justice. The Armstrong family think that Ratchett deserves to be killed because he has destroyed many people’s life when Daisy was dead. Daisy’s mother was dead along with the baby inside her womb. Daisy’s father committed suicide by shooting himself. All people around Daisy were hurt and couldn’t live like they used to. The murder is probably not considered as a crime.
            The setting of this book is mostly on the train. However, the author still manages to make the story interesting by focusing on the characters.
            In my opinion, Christie wants to criticize the law and its justice in the U.S. By combining two cases in one book, she highlights the different points of view towards the cases. The murder of Daisy Armstrong is clearly unfair for people around her and they only want to take revenge to the murderer.
            It is undoubted that the story has a perfect plot twist considering the author was the best in writing detective and mystery book. Agatha Christie’s works had been sold more than one billion copies in English and one more billion in 45 languages (2003).
            I should admit that this is the best detective novel I’ve ever read and I look forward to read other Christie’s works. I highly recommend this book for those who like detective story and have high imagination because Christie’s novels make the reader think hard and it feels like you are involved in the story. However, there’s also one weakness of this book. For you who don’t know French, you would probably feel confused during the reading because there are many French phrases in the book which are hard to understand for beginners. That wouldn’t be a big problem if you are really interested in reading.  In brief, this book is worth to read and it will sharpen your detective skill.

Short Speech about Environment: Dear Future Generations

Dear Future Generations: Sorry
Dear future generations, I think I speak for the rest of us when I say sorry. Sorry we left you with our mess of a planet. Sorry that we were too caught up in our own doings to do something. Sorry we listened to people who made excuses to do nothing. I hope you forgive us. We just didn’t realize how special the Earth was, like a marriage gone wrong. We didn’t know what we had until it was gone.
For example, I’m guessing you probably know it as the Amazon desert, right? Believe it or not it was once called the Amazon rain-forest and there were billions of trees there. All of them gorgeous and oh… you don’t know much about trees, do you? Well, let me tell you trees are amazing. I mean we literally breathe the air they are creating. They clean up our pollution or carbon. They store and purify water, giving us medicine that cures our diseases, food that feeds us which is why I’m so sorry… to tell you that we burn them down. We cut them down with brutal machines horrific at a rate of forty football fields every minute. That’s 50% of all trees in the world gone in the last hundred years, why? For this (money). That wouldn’t make me so sad if it weren’t so many pictures of leaves on it. You know, when I was a child, I read how the Native Americans had such consideration for the planet that they felt responsible for how they left the land for the next seven generations which brings me great sorrow because most of us today don’t even care about tomorrow. I’m sorry that we put profit above people, greed above need, and the rule of gold above the golden rule. I’m sorry we use nature as a credit card with no spending limit over, drafting animals to extinction, stealing your chance to ever see their uniqueness or become friends with them. Sorry, we poison the ocean so much that you can’t even swim in them. Most of all, I’m sorry about our mind-set because we had the nerve to cause this destruction progress. Hey, Fox News, if you don’t think climate change is a threat, I dare you to interview the thousands of homeless people in Bangladesh. See while you were in your pit house nestle, their homes were literally washed away beneath their feet due to rising sea levels. Sarah Palin, you said that you love the smell of fossil fuels, well I urge you to talk to the kids of Beijing who are forced to wear pollution masks just to go to school. So you can ignore this but the thing about truth is it can be denied, not avoided. So I’m sorry, future generations. I’m sorry that our footprint became a sinkhole and not a garden. I’m sorry that we paid so much attention to ISIS and very little to how fast the ice is melting in the arctic. I’m sorry we doomed you and I’m sorry we couldn’t find another planet and time to move to.
You know what? I’m not sorry. This future, I do not accept it because an error doesn’t become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We can redirect this. How? Let me suggest that if a farmer sees a tree that is unhealthy, they don’t look at the branches to diagnose it. They look at the root. So, like that farmer, we must look at the root and not to the branches of government and not to the politicians run by corporations. We are the root. We are the foundation. This generation is up to us to take care of this planet. It is our only home. We must globally warm our hearts and change the climate of our souls and realize that we are not apart from nature. We are part of nature and to betray nature is to betray us, to save nature is to save us. Whatever you’re fighting for racism or poverty, feminism, gay, rights or any type of equality, it won’t matter in the least because if we don’t all work together to save the environment, we will be equally extinct. Sorry.